These graphs are made from Formidable shortcodes. They are summarizing field 1184, which was created on 12/27. Yet all of the data represented relates to form entries created prior to 12/25. So the field appears to be capturing data entered prior to the field’s creation.


frm-graph fields="1184" type="pie" pie_hole=".4" title="" title_size="0" show_key="1" legend_position="bottom" height="550" width="994" bg_color="#00FFFFFF" legend_size="10" 397_contains="SUYT"


frm-graph fields="1184" type="column" title="" title_size="0" y_title="Count of Entries by Response to 1184" show_key="0" height="550" width="994" bg_color="#00FFFFFF" legend_size="10" 397_contains="SUYT"


frm-graph fields="403" type="column" title="" title_size="0" type="column" x_axis="created_at" data_type="count" y_title="Count of Entries w/Data in 1184 by Creation Date" show_key="0" height="550" width="994" bg_color="#00FFFFFF" legend_size="10" 1184_contains=""